The language auto detection uses the most specific language available.
If a client browser is set to
Brazilian Portuguese and there is a pt-BR translation it will be selected, if not pt is used if available.
The above logic is followed for each language provided by the client browser. If none of those languages are supported by SharpWebMail, the "default_lang" setting is used. If it is configured to something unsupported, then neutral culture is used (the English translation is set as the neutral culture).
* The files linked above are the files used in the latest development code. So the file may be newer than the one included in the latest release. ** These cultures are supported only in .NET 2.0 as custom cultures. You need to install them using the provided CustomCultures.exe tool in order to use them. There may be additional
requirements (as special fonts) on the client side.
Instructions for translators
If your language is not currently supported and you want to contribute a translation, follow these steps:
Download one of the text files linked above (last column in the supported languages table) as the base for your translation. For example the English file.
If you are interested is being the maintainer of the translation tell me and I'll send you the new needed translations before each release. Usually there aren't much changes in each release.
If you want to do everything yourself, other way:
Download the latest version of SharpWebMail and unpack it.
You must create a new language file in the SharpWebMail/resources/ folder. The file names are based on the culture name for which you are making the translation. For example the file name for French language should be The SharpWebMail.resources file can be used as the base for the new file.
Once translated you can build the satellite assembly using the resources.cmd file in res folder (al.exe must be in path). Go to step 8 if you don't have the sdk installed and I will build the dll for you.
You can find t he new dll in SharpWebMail/ folder, located in a subfolder named with your culture name.
Copy that folder to your production bin folder and test it.
If you are interested is being the maintainer of the translation tell me and I'll send you the new needed translations before each release. Usually there aren't much changes in each release.