CTNrrdNetStats - CTN Win32 Network statistics graphing tool version 1.0.3 Introduction -------------------------------- CTNrrdNetStats is a lightweight win32 command line utility that retrieves network interface statistics and feeds then into a Round Robin Database using RRDtool (http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool) library. It also generates graphics similar to the MRTG native graphs. It works as a replacement to MRTG in one particular situation, in case you want to gather traffic statistics from a windows (NT/2000/XP) machine locally without installing perl and the snmp daemon. The graphics generation step can be done on the same or in any other machine. CTNrrdNetStats is self contained so you don't need any other software or service installed on your computer to gather the network traffic statistics or to generate the graphic files. If you want to compile the tool you also need to download and install the source code version of RRDtool, and the VC .NET project files from the win32 binary distribution if you want it to build :) Install and uninstall notes -------------------------------- - INSTALL Copy CTNrrdNetStats.exe to a folder. - UNINSTALL Delete CTNrrdNetStats.exe, any scheduled task that calls it, database files ... Usage notes -------------------------------- For updating the database, create a scheduled task that calls it every 5 minutes with appropriate parameters. Usage: CTNrrdNetStats.exe [options] -h -> Displays help screen. -V -> Displays version information. -b -> Run in the background. It detaches from console. -l -> Lists the interfaces in the local computer. It gives the index value necessary for updating. -g -> Generates png graphic files named -day, -week, -month and -year. (MRTG style). -u -> Updates the database with traffic information for interface index . -c -> Creates an empty database named . -d -> Sets full path to database file for graphing and updating it. -t -> This option is ignored since version 1.0.3, but kept for compatibility reasons. -i -> Sets path to output image files. Command line examples -------------------------------- - Creating a database: CTNrrdNetStats.exe -c database.rrd - Listing available interfaces: CTNrrdNetStats.exe -l - Updating the database for the interface with index 123525235 (obtained from previous command): CTNrrdNetStats.exe -u 123525235 -c database.rrd - Building the graphics: CTNrrdNetStats.exe -g eth0 -c database.rrd Other notes -------------------------------- It has been tested under Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 but as the MSDN states the api used for gathering the traffic information, it should also work under Windows 9x/ME. It compiles under Microsoft VC .NET 2003 (VC7). With VC 6 you need to download latest Platform SDK in order to build it as the "IP Helper API" is not included with VC6 headers and libraries. Authors -------------------------------- - Angel Marin Credits -------------------------------- Licence -------------------------------- - CTNrrdNetStats code is under GPL v2, read license.txt History -------------------------------- 05/19/2004 - version 1.0.3 - Better handling of command line options (using getgenopt). - Linked against rrdtool 1.0.48 library so its executable is no longer needed. - Project files ported to Visual Studio .NET 2003 10/27/2002 - version 1.0.2 - First working and public release -------------------------------- Angel Marin 1996 - 2004