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SharpMimeTools development Open Source MIME parser written in C#
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Building latest development version

If you want to see the changes since the last release, you can check SharpMimeTools' change log.

If you want to build from source the latest development version, first you need to download the source code:

Once you have the source you need the latest binary distribution of Log4Net.

Multi-platform instructions (nant):

  • Copy log4net.dll into sharpmimetools\bin\net\ folder (or sharpmimetools\bin\mono\ if that's your target platform)
  • Execute 'sn -k SharpMimeTools.snk' inside SharpMimeTools folder to generate a new keypair.
  • Inside SharpMimeTools folder execure one of the following commands:
    • 'nant debug' for a build with debug simbols
    • 'nant release' for a release build. It does not contain any logging instructions
    • 'nant release-log' for a release build with logging enabled (through log4net)

Windows only instructions:

  • Copy log4net.dll into sharpmimetools\bin folder (if it doesn't exist create it)
  • Execute 'sn -k SharpMimeTools.snk' inside sharpmimetools folder to generate a new keypair.
  • Then open sharpmimetools\SharpMimeTools.sln combine file with SharpDevelop 2.x (or with VS 2005)
  • Build the project.

Linux only instructions (Mono):

  • Create mono folder.
  • Copy log4net.dll into mono/
  • Tweak sharpmimetools/Makefile to suit your needs.
  • Execute 'make' inside sharpmimetools folder.


Documentation for the last development code is automatically build everyday and can be viewed online here: SharpMimeTools reference

Note: documentation is only updated if there has been development activity

Note2: documentation is extracted from the nightly build

Nightly builds

SharpMimeTools' latest development code is automatically build everyday at 0:00 UTC build bot is currently disabled. You can download them from 'SharpMimeTools daily builds'

Note: builds are only done if there has been development activity and may be available for download with a few hours delay until they are pushed to the public download server

Note2: nightly builds support .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0, Mono 1.0 and Mono 2.0 profiles

Contributions: Patches, bugfixes, suggestions, etc.

In order to report a bug, please go to SourceForge's bug tracker.

For feature requests go to SourceForge's FR system.

For general feedback use the forums.

There is much work to be done in SharpMimeTools and all sorts of contribution are welcome.

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Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Angel Marin All rights reserved.
Last Updated 08/01/07